Bonnie Bucy is one of our best customers and a big fan of Classic Country Foods Sorghum. Bonnie shared several of her sorghum recipes and this one is easy and delicious. This would be wonderful as a side for breakfast or next to a sliced pork loin for dinner. How about a topping for ice cream! Thank you Bonnie!


3 medium apples cored and thickly sliced to make about 3 cups.

3 Tablespoons butter

½ cup Classic Country Foods Sorghum

½ tsp. Cinnamon

1/8 tsp.  Nutmeg

2 Tablespoons water

  1. In a large skillet cook apples in butter over medium heat until tender and crisp.
  2. Continue stirring over medium heat as you add sorghum, cinnamon, nutmeg and water.  Once sorghum and spices are incorporated continue stirring until slightly thickened.
  3. Turn off heat, cover and let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Denise Hitchcock